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Conductive Education

Plus Center utilizes Conductive Education which helps people to see the world not as a series of obstacles but as a place of opportunities.

What is Conductive Education?

Conductive Education (CE) was developed in the 1940s by Dr. Andras Peto in Budapest, Hungary as a method of holistic approach to educating people with motor disabilities. CE focuses on all areas of a persons’ development by combining a traditional school curriculum with a motor control curriculum.


CE approaches motor disabilities from an educational perspective, rather than a medical perspective, which enables a person with motor disabilities to grow into their natural environment rather than wait for it to be adapted to them. The essence of CE is to focus on the total development of a person, particularly to integration of motor, intellectual, social and academic skills.

Plus Center practices Conductive Education through various techniques in our program. Our clients are encouraged to walk or move to the best of their ability during our program, as no wheelchairs are used during our sessions. We also utilize simple tools and objects, such as ladder-back chairs, rather than complicated exercise machines or equipment. Clients complete exercise programs and stations in a group setting and are encouraged to learn and motive themselves from each other.

Program Description

Components of a program session at Plus Center may include:

  • Group stretching

Clients are guided through a comprehensive, body stretching routine to prepare their muscles and joints for active participation and increase range of motion.

  • Individual stations
    Exercise, social, or academic-based stations designed specifically for a client’s goals. Clients may work on stations by themselves or one-on-one with a Program Counselor.

  • Sitting, Standing, and Lying programs
    These three programs incorporate various exercises that focus on fundamental movements and positions to improve their coordination, balance, and strengthen physical levels of functioning.

  • Walking program
    Depending on ability, one of our main goals for a client is typically to practice walking to improve overall coordination. Clients may use walking devices, staff support, or a treadmill.

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
    Throughout the day at Plus Center, clients have numerous opportunities with staff assistance to practice ADLs that may relate to self-care, such as toileting, hand washing, teeth brushing, dressing, and undressing.

  • Crafts and Games. We often incorporate craft activities or group game for clients to play together as a way for clients to practice fine motor skills and positive socialization.                  

Benefits of Conductive Education

Conductive Education has the unparalleled ability to provide growth and development opportunities for children, enabling them to see the world not as a series of obstacles but as a place of opportunities.


Conductive Education:

  • Improves mobility

  • Builds self-esteem

  • Develops physical stamina

  • Teaches daily living skills and self-care

  • Promotes strong physical development

  • Improves socialization/verbalization skills

  • Equips person to become an active member of society

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